Peppermint Mocha Chia Pudding Recipe

Diet & Nutrition Inspiring People
Dairy Free Nut Free Sugar Free Vegan

This Peppermint Mocha Chia Pudding recipe is for all the peppermint mocha fans out there! It delivers those wonderful seasonal flavors, but in a sugar-free, dairy-free, grain-free pudding that is packed with fiber, protein and healthy fats! Better still, it is made in the blender in just minutes the night before, so it is ready to go in the morning whenever you are!

Why Chia?
Chia seeds have a mild nutty taste and are extremely nutrient-dense. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron and magnesium. Furthermore, a 2 Tbsp serving of chia seeds contains 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of healthy fat, and 12 grams of carbohydrate — of which 11 grams are actually fiber!


1/2 Cup canned organic coconut milk

1/2 Cup unsweetened almond or nut-free milk (or use all coconut milk for an extra creamy pudding)

2 Shots espresso (optional)

2 Tbsp Nuzest Clean Lean Protein Just Natural

1 to 2 Tbsp raw cacao powder (adjust to taste)

1/4 Tsp pure peppermint extract

Lakanto monk fruit sweetener, pure stevia, or sweetener of choice as desired

4 Tbsp white chia seeds

Optional toppings: toasted coconut chips, raw cacao nibs, pomegranate seeds, dark chocolate pieces


1. Put coconut milk, almond milk, espresso, protein powder, cacao, and peppermint extract into a bowl or blender container and whisk or blend on high until well-mixed. Sweeten to taste.

2.Add chia seeds and whisk or pulse blend until just combined.

3.Pour into bowl or 2 single-serving mason jars and cover.

4.Let sit for 10 minutes, then whisk or shake well, re-cover, and refrigerate overnight or for a minimum of 4 hours.

5.Peppermint Mocha Chia Pudding can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. Serve warm or cold with your choice of toppings.

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