Post Workout Protein Swaps for a Healthy Smoothie

Diet & Nutrition Inspiring People
Diet & Nutrition
by Heather McClees, 16 December 2015

Post-workout protein nutrition is like a pre-workout before game time—you gotta make it count! You put so much into your body and what you want to achieve, but do you give it the absolute best fuel afterward? If not, don’t worry. You can easily change this with a few simple tweaks to what you enjoy after a grueling workout. Read on to learn healthier options for your post-workout protein.

What We’re Getting Wrong in the Post Workout Protein Department

Driving through a fast-food chain, downing a processed protein bar, or mixing protein powder with water that is filled with chemicals and artificial flavors (or GMOs, sugar, etc.) are all common things that some of the hardest working athletes do. Our culture promotes getting in more protein whatever it takes, no matter what form it comes in.

And all the while, we’re paying a huge price. Diabetes, heart disease, aging, torn muscles, reduced rate of recovery and even weight gain are all areas that people struggle with—athletes or not. Protein is seen as the most important concept in diet, but what people often forget is that it isn’t the only piece to the puzzle.

The Bigger Protein Picture

What’s more important is to eat a simple, healthy diet full of whole, fresh foods and if you choose to eat a higher protein diet, the best, most high-quality protein should be the only ones you put in your body.


Because higher-quality sources of post-workout protein are less inflammatory to the body. They’re easier to digest, they enhance an alkaline state, and they don’t cause negative side effects on the kidneys, liver, blood, digestive system, and other areas of the body that inflammatory options do.

The most acidic, inflammatory sources of proteins are:

  • whey protein
  • meat
  • dairy
  • eggs
  • fish
  • chicken
  • pork
  • protein bars (unless raw and stated alkaline)
  • protein cereals
  • any processed food that touts it is high in protein
  • GMO-free soy protein

High-quality proteins that should be consumed after meals include:

  • soaked oats (such as overnight oats)
  • brown rice
  • wild rice
  • lentils
  • green peas
  • amaranth
  • teff
  • chia seeds
  • hemp seeds (or hemp protein powder)
  • tempeh
  • non-GMO tofu
  • sprouted brown rice protein powder
  • golden pea protein powder

As you’ll see, there are some good post-workout protein powder options that aren’t whey-based. These are also complete protein powders, but different ones have advantages over others. They are all easy to digest, but golden pea protein powder, such as Nuzest Clean Lean Protein, tends to have the best flavor, less chalky residue and is low in fat, carbs and higher in overall amino acids per serving.

How to Work Cleaner Sources of Protein into Your Post-Workout Routine

You can use these whole foods in a protein meal, use them to make a smoothie, and you can even add them into some of your favorite dishes that you love already. Try making your own protein bars at home, preparing yourself by taking your powder with you so you aren’t tempted to run through a fast-food joint, and always eat something before you workout that’s easy to digest, such as a banana and apple with a little nut butter. This will keep you from being so hungry that you reach for whatever you can find once your workout is over.

And whatever you do, resist the urge to buy those expensive, highly processed protein powders that come with a host of ingredients you can’t even pronounce. If you can’t read those ingredients, imagine what your body has to deal with when trying to turn them into lean muscles and real nutrients!

Try eating more of these high-quality plant-based proteins, and if you’d like to give golden pea protein powder a try, why not try Clean Lean Protein? Nuzest Clean Lean Protein tastes great, uses no artificial flavors or sweeteners, is non-GMO and is alkaline.

In short, Clean Lean Protein does a body good!

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