3 Nutrients To Help Heal Leaky Gut

Diet & Nutrition Inspiring People

By Bethany Ugarte aka @lilsipper.


Many people suffer from digestive issues and the sad part is that most don’t really have an explanation of the cause… nor the cure. However, Leaky Gut Syndrome has now become more known to doctors as well as patients and happens when the gut wall is compromised and contains holes, allowing unwanted toxins, microbes, undigested food, and foreign objects to pass through the lining of the intestines. This can cause a number of issues including:

  • Brain fog
  • Acne or other skin conditions
  • Chronic gas, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Weight gain
  • Allergies
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Hormonal / mood imbalances

Now just because you may experience the above symptoms, doesn’t mean you have Leaky Gut, however… it doesn’t mean you don’t have it and it may be a good idea to get it checked out by your doctor where they can perform test. In this article, I go over some of the most research proven compounds that are effective at repairing the gastrointestinal tract and help to heal leaky gut.

What causes LGS? (Leaky Gut Syndrome)

  • Heavy use of medications (over the counter and prescriptions)
  • Antibiotics that can lead to increased growth of bacteria
  • Processed foods
  • Foods that have been contaminated by chemicals
  • High-refined carbohydrates and sugars

Not only does the typical American diet lacking critical nutrients that promote gut health, but it’s the combination of the additional consumption of processed sugar, packaged foods, and high amount of alcohol that decreases our health in general and puts Americans at risk for so many health issues.


1. L-Glutamine for Leaky Gut

A common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer patients, mucositis is the inflammation of the digestive tract caused by ulceration to this mucous lining. This breakdown of the gut’s structure promotes leaky gut as it increases gut permeability, risk of infection, increased growth of toxic bacteria in the gut and entering the blood and essential circulation to all parts of the body.

L-glutamine is something I have been taking personally for years! It’s been shown to help a damaged gut and even help rebuild the lining in your intestines and even help improve wound healing! L-glutamine is also beneficial for collagen synthesis. Glutamine is partly broken down into proline, which is essential for your own collagen production and enhancing a solid gut lining.

2. Ginger

Ginger is well known to treat nausea, menstruation pain, and bloating... this is all due to ginger’s ability to relieve contractions in the gut and help reduce intestinal inflammation. It’s also been shown to help with gastric emptying and mobility in the gut!

3. Pea Protein

Pea protein is great for individuals with autoimmunity and food sensitivities as well as vegans! This protein is also one of the best foods for improving the microbiome!

In this study, pea protein was shown to increased both Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus (good probiotics) and raise short chain fatty-acid production in the gut, which helps reduce overall inflammationgreat if you have leaky gut (but also just great in general!)

Make sure when choosing a pea protein that is does not contain additional additives like stevia, natural flavorings, and gums. I’ve been consuming Nuzest since 2014 and created my very own Digestive Support Protein, which also contains L-Glutamine (mentioned above) as well as bacillus coagulans (a probiotic known to help fight off candida and yeast overgrowth).

digestive support protein

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